Monday, July 27, 2009

Get the most from your nutritional supplements

There are a lot of nutritional supplements out on the market today. From the lost cost drug store brands to the more expensive brands. How does the consumer make a good decision with so many choices? One answer is to investigate the proper delivery systems that enable your body to absorb the maximum benefit from the supplement.
Traditional tablet forms enter the body and can take up to 5 to 6 hours to break down if they break down at all. Tablet are made using binders, fillers and these decrease the ability of the body to absorb nutritional benefits. Standard tablets, capsules and softgels yield minimal absorption and diluted nutrients.
If however the supplements are Isotonic, they will be absorbed within 15 minutes. Isotonic solutions enter the stomach, stimulate the opening of the pyloric valve. Smooth muscle contractions squirt solution into the small intestine. The solution is then absorbed by the small intestine. Additionally, the body absorbs 95% of the actual amount of product taken. Tablet forms will yield on average a 10% absorbtion rate.

What does this look like at the checkout line?

Isotonix Multivitamin @ $51.95 / 3 months = 17.32 a month X 95% absorbtion = $16.45 being used by the body

Drugstore brand $15.87 / 8 months = $1.98 a month X 10% absorbtion = .20 cents being used by the body.

Still think those cheap brands are worth it? Neither do I.

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